28 October 2022

Google Analytics 360 sunset date extended

360 Sunset extended

Google have announced they’re extending the sunset date for Google Analytics 360 (paid version) from 1 October 2023 to 1 July 2024.

To be clear, this only affects paying customers, allowing Google more time to provide a product that has the same value if not more than the current product.

For users of the free product, the sunset date remains at 1 July 2023.

Who should care?

Businesses that use the paid product.

This means that from 1 July 2024 Google Analytics will stop processing new data.

The extension gives all enterprise partners a bit of breathing space for their move but will most likely to benefit larger organisation that have a complex analytics set up.

Why turn on GA4 now

Louder have been advising our clients to turn on Google Analytics 4 (GA4) as soon as practicable, enterprise or not. One or more of these reasons may resonate with you:

  • YOY data: if you need year on year comparisons then you need to start collecting that data now
  • GA API or BigQuery export: if you have downstream processes based on GA data you will get much needed time to re-engineer your systems
  • Feature parity: it will give Google a little more time to get closer on feature parity
  • Data retention limitations: the sooner you begin GA4, the sooner you can export raw data to BigQuery which will help with some of the data retention limitations of GA4.

Planning for GA4

A few things to consider when embarking on your GA4 project:

  • upgrading requires a re-implementation which means its not a small project
  • UA and GA4 are very different so if you have many business users who rely on Google Analytics for their work, they will need time to upskill

How Louder can help with your GA4 project

Get in touch with the Louder team to:

  • gauge how complex your set up is
  • understand how long the re-implementation will take
  • get advice on how to prioritise and rollout your implementation
  • discuss the balance of in-house implementation with agency support
  • get help on upskilling your in-house team

With ample experience on the product side and client side, the Louder team is ready to help you move to GA4.

Read Google’s update on the sunsetting of Universal Analytics.

About Oanh Trinh

Oanh is an analytics consultant. In her spare time and often at the crack of dawn, you will find her swimming in Sydney’s ocean pools, no matter the time of year.