Newsletter #11

“Welcome to Louder’s final newsletter to wrap up 2022.

We’ve grown!
The team at Louder has grown significantly in the past few months. We have onboarded 5 new digital specialists in the mix to help you meet your business needs.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Tech layoffs
It’s hard to deny the mass layoffs happening in our industry. Our thoughts go out to those affected directly and indirectly.

Louder are always looking for our next team member so have a look at our Louder careers page to see if there’s something there for you or someone you know.

End of year celebrations
The Louder team are getting together this month - that’s Sydney and Melbourne teams - to connect and celebrate the great year that we’ve had.

A record year for days in the office with the Sydney and Melbourne relocating to new office spaces. Come in and say hi!

Google Partner Awards
The Google Partner awards were last week and some of our team attended the Sydney Google Office for the event. That’s them greeting you above.

While we didn’t walk away with an award, it was energising to be around all the partners and the hard working teams that create this thriving space we work in. Congratulations to all the winners, very well deserved.

We hope you and your colleagues take the time to reflect on the year that was and celebrate everything you learnt.

Looking ahead
The hot topic in the industry as we see out the year is privacy. This should come as no surprise given the sequence of data breaches that have been in the media since the Optus hack in September.

Tech giants Google, Meta and Apple have made significant changes in their platforms to protect user privacy and the recent data breaches from large organisations has bought forth a focus on user privacy and security.

In 2023, expect more information from Louder on what we’ve been doing around tracking and privacy for our clients.

For some holiday reading on the state of tracking and privacy, have a read of Katherine Kemp’s paper on How to Track Consumers Who Don’t Want to be Tracked.

Happy holidays! Team Louder.”



Google Analytics 360 sunset date extended

Google has extended the sunset date for Google Analytics 360 to 1 July 2024, when data will stop processing.

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HTML meta tags in GA4

Why meta data is important for SEO and how you can leverage it in GTM and GA4 for more detailed site analysis.

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Deprecation of similar audiences

Similar audience segments will be removed from campaigns and adgroups. This means historical reporting will no longer be available.

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RSA combination report changes in Google Ads

Google Ads will be providing a more accurate version of ads shown in the platform.

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GA4 API limits

Google has started enforcing GA4 quota limits which means users are seeing broken dashboards.

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Google Signals in Google Analytics 4

Google Signals allows you to track users across multiple devices. Find out what activating means for you.

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Major investor calls on Google owner to ‘aggressively’ cut staff and pay

The hedge fund of the billionaire Sir Christopher Hohn has written to Alphabet saying staff at the Google and YouTube parent are paid too much and its workforce should be drastically cut back.

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Apple Says Your iPhone's Usage Data is Anonymous, but New Tests Say That's Not True

A new test of how Apple gathers usage data from iPhones has found that the company collects personally identifiable information while explicitly promising not to.

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2023 is the year of out-of-home

Out-of-home is primed for growth, and there are many reasons why advertisers should take note. In today’s world, most ad content consumption is a series of personal moments on private screens. Out-of-home bridges our public and private worlds.

Harvard Business Review research flags a big swing back to traditional advertising, even from online pure-players.

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Twitter is being sued by its own employees for mass layoffs

Twitter has offices located around the world, including in California.

Under federal law, employers with more than 100 employees must provide at least sixty days notice before mass layoffs. Californian law offers similar protections.

Twitter’s employees have sued, alleging that the company violated these acts by failing to provide proper notice of the layoffs. Musk has faced similar suits before when Tesla saw mass layoffs in June of this year.

Twitter informed employees that it would continue to provide pay and benefits even if they were no longer working, which it seems to believe satisfies the requirements under the WARN Act.

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TikTok has launched an in-app ecommerce feature

In addition to its most recent shopping features, TikTok has launched TikTok Shop, where users can now make purchases directly through the app.

Yet to be launched in Australia, TikTok officially began testing in the U.S. by invitation only.

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Digital out-of-home ads now in DV360

Digital-out-of-home (DOOH) ads have been available since 9 November 2022. It serves ads on digital screens located in physical spaces such as at train stations, bus stops and in shopping centres.

The key benefits of purchasing digital out-of-home inventory include:

  • Simplifying and consolidating the DOOH workflow.
  • Discovering a variety of quality DOOH inventory in Marketplace.
  • Ability to measure impressions using impression multiplier.
  • Reaching publisher defined audiences in international markets.
  • Setting up and utilising real time bidding to optimise campaigns.

DOOH ads reaches people based on contextual information of the screen’s location, similar to traditional out-of-home ads, but with the flexibility and ease of programmatic.

Interested in digital-out-of-home?
Contact your Louder account manager for more info.

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Ads Creative Studio

Ads Creative Studio (ACS) is Google’s new platform for ad-focused creative solutions. It is designed specifically for creative users to collaboratively build, manage, and export their creative assets to any Google media platform. Using ACS, teams will benefit from improved collaboration and transparency, supporting their efforts to create effective ads with more efficiency and scale.

ACS brings new functionality (including video and display customisation), fewer entry points and improved workflows. Users in ACS can quickly generate creative variants with personalised messaging customised to key user segments and allows seamless and simplified collaboration between media teams and creative users.

ACS is still in its early stages and is working towards adding new features to ACS by mid of 2023.

Want to know more?
Get in contact with Louder if you’re thinking of transitioning from Creative Studio to Ads Creative Studio.

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New optimised targeting feature in DV360

Optimised targeting is a new feature that aims to explore customers outside of a selected targeted audience that are relevant and therefore have a high chance of converting.

Users are matched based on real time data which finds such customers with behaviour similar to converting users within existing targeted audiences.

The key points to note are:

  • optimised targeting can improve a campaign’s performance whilst also maintaining cost efficiency
  • optimised targeting can be utilised as a dimension when creating offline reports to compare its effectiveness against manually set targeted audiences
  • this feature will be automatically enabled with the creation of any new line item or editing of existing line items for – display, video, or audio campaigns that uses an automated bid strategy and 1P or Google audience list targeting. – Youtube Video Action campaigns that utilises audience lists for targeting ad groups.
  • you can opt-out of this feature for your DV360 campaigns manually

When can I start using optimised targeting? Optimised targeting will be launched in January 2023, for usage amongst display, video and audio line items, which will replace the current targeting expansion feature.

For YouTube video action campaigns however, optimised targeting is already available when targeting audience lists.

Curious about the optimised targeting feature?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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PAIR for privacy centric 1P data activation

Google has recently announced PAIR (Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation), a secure and privacy safe way for enabling Advertisers and Publishers to collate their first-party data (currently email addresses only) for activation through advanced data encryption methods via clean rooms without the need to rely on third-party cookies.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Potential for incremental reach in existing audiences amid industry privacy shifts)
  • Not dependent on third party cookies and is more durable in the current regulatory environment compared to alternative solutions
  • Advertisers and publishers can leverage this technique across any SSP of choice

Clean rooms ensure data shared by advertisers and publishers stays secure and cannot be reverse-encrypted. This data is then shared with DV360 for media activation. Current partners are LiveRamp, Habu and InfoSum, with Ads Data Hub integration plans to come soon.

Want to participate in the proof of concept?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Similar audiences will be gradually phrased out as a targeting features

The similar audience features in SA360 is being deprecated. While it will still be available in the next couple months, it will be gone by August 2023.

Similar audience (segments) can find people who have similar search behaviour to your remarketing list, this can help acquire new customers by expanding the reach of your ads to more users.

SA360 users who are using similar audiences should start planning and testing other targeting option (e.g. optimised targeting and smart bidding) to minimise the impact.

Do you currently rely on similar audiences for targeting?
Get in touch with us to discuss your options.

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Floodlight optimisation for YouTube

DV360 has recently announced YouTube line items can be set to report and optimise toward conversions as measured by your Floodlight configuration.

The key benefit of this is that it allows more consistent optimisation and measurement of conversions across YouTube and non-YouTube campaigns within the enabled advertiser.

Louder is conducting further investigation on reporting capabilities to confirm what changes it will have for advertisers.

See How to activate Floodlight optimisation for YouTube for details.

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Instant report will support unique reach audience metrics and template

Unique reach measure users that interacted with your ads across different devices and environment.

In CM360, you can create a report with unique reach audience metrics that extend unique reach measurement into population and audience. In the next few weeks, Google will introduce instant report for unique reach audience reporting.

This will allow you to see the unique reach audience data immediately, instead of waiting for a report to run and download for offline viewing.

Learn more about the unique reach reports.

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Google Cloud Rebrands Data Studio As “Looker Studio”

Last month Google rebranded Google Data Studio to Looker Studio in a transition to unify its business intelligence tools under the Looker brand.

Looker will now be the face of all existing Google Cloud data analytics programs. These programs will be included in the Looker Suite and bear the Looker name.

Learn how to use Looker Studio with GA4 in this tutorial by Analytics Mania.

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