Newsletter #12

“The team at Louder have been busy getting Privacy certified. 2023 will bring many changes to our industry as the Australian privacy laws continue to evolve. Read on for a summary of the proposed changes to the Privacy Act.

We’ll be keeping you updated on how changes in the privacy space are affecting our clients’ marketing, advertising and measurement efforts. Take a look at the Spotlight below for a great case study on Facebook attribution in a privacy aware world.”



Facebook attribution challenges

Helping The Smith Family with their Facebook attribution challenges using a server-side GTM solution.

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Understanding PMax campaigns' conversion settings

Understand the impact performance max conversion settings have on your search campaign’s performance.

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Broad match type updated

Broad match type keywords now covers broader semantics to reach wider audiences.

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Click ID’s and their limitations

Understand why click IDs are now limited in their ability to track campaigns.

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Google Optimize sunset

Google will sunset their experimentation tool Google Optimize on 30 September 2023.

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Implementing server-side GTM with GA4

This how-to article shows how to implement sGTM with GA4 to improve conversion uplift with Facebook CAPI.

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Australian Privacy Act Review has been released

On the 16th February 2023, the Attorney-General publicly released the Privacy Act Review Report.

If you don’t have time to sift through 320 pages of review, read the one page summary of the proposed changes to existing privacy legislation and how it’s enacted in Australia. Some key themes cover:

  • What data should be protected: Including more transparency around how user data is stored, handled, collected and used.
  • What should be done when breaches occur: Give industry regulators more teeth to go after bad actors, and provide consumers with more avenues to seek compensation for inappropriate use and handling of their data.
  • What protections should apply: Regulate the way in which users can be targeted via advertising (even when using non PII attributes in targeting)

Submit feedback before 31 March 2023.

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The new chatbots could change the world. Can you trust them?

After the release of ChatGPT — which has been used by more than a million people — many experts believe these new chatbots are poised to reinvent or even replace internet search engines like Google and Bing.

They explain concepts in ways that people can understand. And they can deliver facts, while also generating business plans, term paper topics and other new ideas from scratch.

But can you trust them?

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Google and Meta are losing their edge

2022 marked the first year since 2014 that Google and Meta’s advertising market share dropped below 50%, standing at 48.4%. By the end of 2023, that number is expected to drop to 44.9%.

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Marketing effectiveness in a changing world

At a recent roundtable discussion hosted by The Drum and TikTok on how brands can thrive in 2023, industry specialists discussed the trends, opportunities and challenges that marketers face.

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ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare

If you’re ever posted online, you ought to be concerned.

A much less discussed implication is the privacy risks ChatGPT poses to each and every one of us… The problem is it’s fuelled by our personal data.

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Microsoft’s new ChatGPT AI starts sending ‘unhinged’ messages to people

The system, which is built into Microsoft’s Bing search engine, is insulting its users, lying to them and appears to have been forced into wondering why it exists at all.

This comes after Google’s own AI powered search known as Bard got off to a rocky start and back in 2016 another Microsoft ChatBot was corrupted by Twitter within 24 hours.

This leads us to wonder if Vint Cert’s assertion that we should be cautious about jumping on the new AI gold rush band wagon is right on the money.

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IAB Australia announces and endorses new digital audience measurement ratings currency

Launching in March, Ipsos iris, will be IAB Australia’s approved digital ratings measurement source across PC, smartphone and tablet (with CTV to come). Providing digital consumption data around the number of people (14+) who visit the content of digital publishers and platforms, the frequency of visits and time spent, it is also completely privacy compliant and cross-media ready.

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Google Analytics 4 ecommerce reporting

Google is in the process of releasing a number of improvements to ecommerce reporting in GA4 to bring it into closer alignment with the outgoing Universal Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce reporting framework, as well as including a number of improvements to make it even better than the old product.

Summary of these updates include:

  • Cleaner and simplified GA4 eCommerce default reports
  • New Ecommerce Dimensions and Metrics
  • Item scoped metrics added to Exploration reports and Data API
  • Consolidate revenue metrics based on product feedback.

Need help shifting from UA to GA4 ecommerce?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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YouTube TV in Instant Reserve

Display & Video 360 now allows you to create reservation bookings targeting YouTube Select lineups self-service via Instant Reserve. Previously only available through Programmatic Guaranteed, YouTube Select lineups package up YouTube’s most contextually relevant and engaging content, perfect for driving awareness and consideration.

In addition to enabling a more efficient workflow, this launch unlocks new targeting capabilities not available via Programmatic Guaranteed, including advanced audience targeting such as Detailed Demographics & Life Events and In-Market audiences.

Want more info on YouTube TV in Instant reserve
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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SA360 migration progress

Advertisers can now continue their migration to the new SA360 Experience after a slight hold during the last weeks of December, .

The first wave of migration, which consists in migrating the Bid Strategies from the legacy platform to the new Experience will not only allow advertisers to manage their bid strategies in the new UI, but also their rules, and all management options for Performance Max campaigns.

Need more info on the new SA360 experience features or the migration process
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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YouTube Select in Instant Reserve

Display & Video 360 now allows advertisers to target YouTube TV directly through Instant Reserve. This launch allows more advertisers to reach users on premium CTV inventory and simplifies the buying experience for those already consolidating their YouTube reservation media in Display & Video 360 by configuring campaigns in a matter of minutes.

Want more info on Youtube Select in Instant reserve?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Refreshed Verification rebranded as Brand Controls

Campaign Manager 360 Verification is being rebranded to Brand Controls. Users will default to Verification however can opt-in to the refreshed ‘Brand Controls’ user interface.

Brand Controls have been made default from January 2023, and Verification will be deprecated by February 2023. Ad serving operations will remain the same with only the UI experience and name updating.

Need more insight into CM360’s Verification features?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Search insights from 2022 and what we can learn for 2023

Google have analysed billions of 2022 search trends to identify emerging needs and behaviours to help marketers respond in 2023.

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