Newsletter #15

“Louder kicked off the new financial year celebrating the amazing women in our team and welcoming a new search specialist. We said goodbye to Universal Analytics and continue to help our clients in their Google Analytics 4 journey.

This month we talk you through Safari’s latest browser update, dive a bit deeper into Floodlight tagging and share a learning about the set up of Client ID you’ll want to understand.”



Apple ITP targets HTTP cookies with 7 day cap

Louder uncovers how you may be impacted by the recent Safari 16.4+ update.

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Unlocking the potential of Floodlights

Learn how to set up Floodlights in CM360 and get familiar with all the options available.

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Client ID in GA4 - What is it and how to get it in your report?

How to extract and pass Client ID to GA4 and Data Studio as a custom parameter.

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Australia could ban gambling ads in three years, in a potential $300m revenue loss

The Australian government has been recommended to ban advertising of gambling activities to “prevent another generation from experiencing escalating gambling harm” (Peta Murphy). This could potentially result in a revenue loss of $300 million for media operators as this ban will apply to television, radio, online and newspaper advertising.

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Google may have misled dozens of advertisers and violated its own guidelines - report

Advertising research organisation, Adalytics, has reported Google may have violated its own guidelines with their TrueView video product, misleading dozens of advertisers including the US federal government. Approximately 80% of these ads served on partner sites were found to be muted, un-skippable, had auto-play switched off and were placed on the side of the screen.

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Threads app: Instagram owner launches Twitter rival in 100 countries

Meta has released Threads, a text-based conversation app, to directly challenge Twitter which has experienced a downturn of users since Elon Musk bought the company in 2022. With more than 1 million users already signed up within an hour of launching, Threads is expected to pose as a threat.

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Junk food advertising aimed at children the target of proposed law designed to tackle childhood obesity

In response to the growing obesity epidemic, The Healthy Kids Advertising Bill 2023 has been introduced to parliament to ban junk food advertising on TV and radio between 6am and 9:30pm. Currently, more than $550 million is spent on food and non-alcoholic drink advertising with the bulk focused on products with high fat, sugar and salt.

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LinkedIn Reveals AI Image Detection Research That Catches Fake Profiles

LinkedIn has developed a tool to identify fake profiles by detecting AI images with a 99% success rate. The technology identifies particular characteristics and patterns in AI images that are structurally different to real images. LinkedIn has been able to detect and remove 21 million fake accounts in the first half of 2022.

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Google Analytics UA 3 still collecting data but Google says not for long

Universal Analytics 3 is still collecting data despite Google announcing the shutdown to occur on 1 July 2023. Google has responded that all properties have been added to the queue and UA3 will eventually stop collecting data with those who have not upgraded will Jumpstart on a rolling basis.

Want more info on all things GA4?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Deprecation of line item level brand safety settings for YouTube

From 11 July 2023, all new YouTube line items will no longer have the option to control brand safety settings and will inherit these settings from the advertiser level. This means content category, content label and content type controls will be set at the advertiser level. Brand safety settings for existing YouTube line items can still be edited past this date.

Want more insights on YouTube brand safety?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Remaining Smart Shopping campaigns are upgrading to Performance Max starting September 2023

Advertisers have been able to self-upgrade Smart Shopping campaigns to Performance Max in Google Ads since June 2023, with the remaining campaigns automatically upgrading from September 2023. With Performance Max, you will retain the same foundational features as Smart Shopping campaigns in addition to access new inventory and automation insights. Ensure your campaigns are eligible for an upgrade to prevent your Smart Shopping campaigns’ statuses automatically changed to ‘Removed’.

Want more insights on Performance Max?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Offline reports migration to instant reporting

From 1 August 2023, CM360 will slowly migrate Standard, Reach, Floodlight and URA reports from offline reporting to instant reporting. These reports will be removed from the offline reporting saved reports tab, but can be found in instant reporting for opening and editing. Accounts will be notified in CM360 when the migration occurs.

Want more insights on CM360 reporting?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Introducing the Roadmap for Creatives in Google Marketing Platform

Google has released the roadmap for creative in GMP with a focus for ACS to support direct integration with CM360, DV360, YouTube and Google ads. In addition, insights features are set to be launched in Q3, allowing users to gain valuable insight for creative development and creative strategy. This is done by analysing how people search for your product and leveraging this data to refine creative designs.

Want to understand more about ACS?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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Tag Manager server containers now include a new feature called Transformations

Google has introduced a new feature called transformations which allows users to control data used by server-side tags more easily and safeguard sensitive information. Users can now utilise rules and parameters to manipulate data and share or exclude particular event data with specific tags.

Want more info on setting up transformations?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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The new version of Google Merchant Center is here

The new Google Merchant Center Next is now here with a number of new features to explore. This includes managing all your products directly in Merchant Center, improved support with guidance to resolve any issues that may arise with your products and utilising the new holistic performance reports to retrieve valuable insights.

Want more info on the new Google Merchant Center Next?
Get in touch with your Louder account manager.

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GA4 setup challenges: 10 key mistakes to avoid

Avoid GA4 setup errors with Louder’s list of the 10 most common mistakes.

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